Fire Classes
Prepared To Respond
Incident Safety Awareness For
Hired Vendors
Description: This course provides an awareness of fireline and incident safety to hired vendors who plan to engage in wildland fire suppression and other incident support activities. It includes an overview of hazards and safety issues, entrapment avoidance, incident organization, fire shelter deployment, and current issues.
Designed for: Hired vendors working with the California Department of Forestry anf Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) or the United States Forest Service (USFS) on any active incident, including water tender operators, heavy equipment drivers or operators, crew bus dirvers, vehicles with a driver, mechanics, fallers, and swampers.
Heavy equipment operators, water tenders, crew bus drivers, vehicle drivers, mechanics who have a CAL FIRE/USFS agreement or contract requiring annual safety training will need to take this mandatory class or they will not be eligible for fire line assignments for the entire 2024 fire season. This class will offer hired vendors a better understanding of fire safety and give them knowledge to stay safe while fighting fires during the 2025 fire season.